Wednesday 4 November 2015


Frances. Who is Frances? What is this blog post about? This is about my best friend, Frances.
*Inserts picture below*

I am a soppy person at times so if you don't like these sorts of posts or don't want to hear about her click off now! Me & Fran have now been bestie's for 9 years. How I have put up with her and she's put up with me I don't know. We have a load of memories and more to come. She is my rock.

How did me & Fran become friends you ask? It's a bit of a weird story. It was year 7 at school in English, I was sat on a table with her and a boy, she had joked about my pencil case which was Little Miss Naughty from the Mr Men and asked if she could borrow something like a rubber. And it went on from there, I took her to my house and said to my mum 'this is my best friend' from about a few days of knowing her.

I was very shy at school and a bit of a geek, I didn't like to get into trouble. I was an easy target at school and got bullied. It wasn't easy between me & Fran at the start of our friendship as people would call her names for being friends with me, and if that happened to most people they wouldn't want to be friends with me but Fran stuck by me all the way and I couldn't thank her enough. There were so many days I would've gone home crying or feeling miserable but when we were friends she made me laugh and not mind school. (Ok that was I lie I hated school but you get what I mean).

We were still bestie's when we left school, we went to the same college (not planned, just luck). And when we both moved onto working, first boyfriend's did get in the way but it's your first and for a while you're in the 'honeymoon' stage and swept off your feet because it's all new. But we're still going strong.

So to end this post, because I really could go on explaining loads of memories but you won't find it funny! This is a message to you Fran..

Thank you for being my rock. I feel like I've lost an arm not speaking to you for a few days or even seeing you. Thank you for always being there for me when I was down. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for laughing with me (or at me). Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for always sticking with me at school. Thank you for the memories and the thousand photo's. Thank you.

Blog soon,
Lucy. xxx

Thursday 1 October 2015

First Festival

So last month me & my friend went to our first festival. I saw lots of posters everywhere in Portsmouth for Bestival and googled the line up & thought it looked amazing. It was from the 10th to the 13th of September. It was £195 ticket, I know right.. woah. Then the added cost for them to send you the ticket. Like why? It should be free postage! Then getting your essentials that you need for the whloe trip. I had no idea what to take, I looked up for some blog posts but there were hardly any so I asked my cousin as he had been to a festival before.

So we went into town together and got the useful things like a bumbag, deordrant, dry shampoo, baby wipes. And did our food and alcohol shop. If I went to a festival again I don't think I'd go for as long, I think 4 days was too long for me, I was a little bit homesick by Saturday. And I'd also take less alcohol. You were only allowed your drinks in the campsite which sucked as the drinks in the bars were not cheap.

So lets tell you all a bit about our time away! Day 1 Thursday - I had work in the morning so we catched the ferry from Portsmouth in the afternoon. When we got there we got the shuttle bus to the site and tried to find a spot to pitch our tent, had some food and got an early night. We thought we had chosen a good spot as we were right by the loo's & near the stage site entry. By day 2 we realised it wasn't a good idea as it would've been more quieter further away.

Day 2 Friday - was the day we went and explored where everything was and checking our Bestival app to see who was on.

Day 3 Saturday - this day was my day as it was the day all the artists were on that I wanted to see. I'm not sure if it was Saturday but the Chuckle brothers were amazing. Just FYI.

Day 4 Sunday - this was my friend's day and the day we were heading home. After seeing Missy Elliot in the evening we headed back to camp to take down the tent & head back. It was pouring it down with rain! When getting to Ryde Pier to catch the ferry back we were drenched & had to wait until 1:15am back to Portsmouth. Even though I didn't get home till gone 3am I was indeed very happy to see my own bed instead of the floor.

One thing I have not missed since Bestival is the smell of weed and using the toilets. I was prepared for bad which it wasn't too bad. But it wasn't nice at the same time. We had the eco loo's near our campsite which is basically a wooden block with a loo seat on it and underneath is a bin, it all gets made into compost. It just smelt like a farm than poo. But I'm not going to explain that!

I would go to a festival again but maybe not for as long, in a group or maybe just with someone that enjoys the same music as you.

But a few tips, I don't think you'd need much money. I took £150 and came home with £70. Take cereal bars or something for breakfast/a snack. Dry shampoo was useful. Baby wipes because you're not washing for a few days,and a bumbag came in so handy! I also didn't wear wellies I just wore an old pair of Vans.

If you have any questions leave them below! I'll post a few photo's here too.
Blog soon, Lucy xx


Tuesday 8 September 2015

Brighton For Fran's 21st

So a few weekends ago I took my best friend Frances away for her (early) 21st birthday. This trip was a complete surprise. She didn't know where we going, what we were doing, it was killing her! But I filmed the whloe trip & got her reactions to things on video here -

So on the first day we took the train into Brighton and checked out our hotel before having spa treatments. We stayed in the Queen's hotel -
It was lovely hotel placed right near the seafront and pier, and by the lanes. Our hotel room was massive! The only downside was our room was right by 2 clubs so it was very loud & hard to get to sleep! The spa was located downstaires in the hotel where we both had a package of treatments which included a back massage with scrub, facial and a manicure. Sadly I only enjoyed the manicure & didn't have a very good first experience with the other two treatments. But Fran enjoyed it & that was the main thing!
Then in the evening we went to a restaurant called Bills which I had seen a lot of Youtubers go to so thought we would go there and I was very glad we did. It's the cutest place, not too big and not too small. The menu looked amazing and I went for something I had never had before which was Halloumi and hummus. It was amazing! And the price wasn't that bad either, you get a good size for what you are paying for, I think everyone should go and check it out!

Then from there we went down the seafront to one of the bars and had a drink then back to our hotel room to chill then sleep. The next day we had breakfast at the hotel as it was included in the price, it was an all you can eat buffet from hot food to cereal and toast.
 I then took Frances along the pier, showed her about went in the arcades, and went on a ride called the Crazy mouse which was not fun! Haha. When we looked at it, it just looked like the cobra at Paultons Park, after we got off it was not like it at all! It took sharp turns and spune you whilst going down the tracks which honestly felt like you were going to fall out of the cart. Never again.

Overall it was a really good trip and Frances said she really enjoyed herself which was obviously the main thing. I can't wait to take her back and go there for my birthday.

Blog soon lovelies.
Lucy. xx

Saturday 15 August 2015

August Glossybox

Hello lovelies! So yesterday I woke up feeling pretty poo, and the postman delivered my glossybox which I am excited for every month! So I thought I would share with you.

 So firstly was the MeMeMe Lipglide in Playful Peach. Which I can't wait to use as I really enjoyed using the Lord & Berry lip pencil in another box and it's a nice summery colour. Next was Manna Kadar lash primer which says it makes your lashes have more volume, which is great & I never knew there was such a thing!

Then Emite artist colour powder blush/bronzer or as they're calling it 'blunzer' funky?! I was looking for a bronzer so now hopefully I don't have to buy one if I like this one. Next in the box was Naobay calming face toner, love trying new things even though my face is quite senstive and only use the toner I have now. And lastly was Sass purifying cleanser which you use in the shower.

Overall it was a good box as always & I can't wait for the next one! Do any of you have monthly sub boxes?

Blog soon, Lucy xx

Wednesday 29 July 2015


Hello readers, long time no see! I know I suck at blogging, but I only blog when I have something to blog about which is now! Anyways, how've you been? I have just recently got back home from going away with my family to Cornwall. Yep back to reality, work, and typical English weather. Though saying that, there was only 1 sunny day in Cornwall.

So we were away from Wednesday to Sunday, we stayed in a Premier Inn in Saint Austell. It was an ok area it just wasn't near many places to eat which turnt out to be a nightmare! Next to the hotel is a restaurant called Table Table. Which by the way, do not go to. When we arrived on Wednesday it was the evening, we had a long journey due to traffic and were very hungry and tired so we wanted somewhere close and to chill. It was so busy! We got our drinks and then asked a lady if we could book a table. The lady was actaully quite rude to my mum, she stated there was a 45 minute wait for a table as they had a party of 12 coming in, so my mum asked to be put down on the list to wait, and the girl just kept repeating herself & not listening to my mum. My dad also overheard there was a 45 minute wait for food!

So we're chilling by the bar, about an hour wait & nobody's come to tell us if there's a table free. My mum asks someone at the bar to which this man says that there's loads of tables free! So quite miffed. The food was indeed a 45 minute wait, and when the food arrived it wasn't even worth the wait! Never again.

Other than that it was a good holiday. As usual I took some photo's to share with you. I will leave links to where we went below!

Blog soon :) Lucy xx

Sunday 14 June 2015

A foodie weekend

So the last weekend of May we went to Liverpool for the weekend as my dad had a charity football match and by the looks of my photo's it pretty much involved food. On the Saturday the day we arrived before the match we went into town and went to a place called Byron. Which was so cute, and really nice! I would recommend it for sure & I'd love to go again.

At Byron's I had the best lunch in the world! I know it doesn't look exciting, a milkshake & chips? Honestly was the best. The strawberry milkshake was heaven! Best milkshake I had ever tasted, I didn't think it was going to be so big I had to ask for a takeaway cup. And the chips just look like McDonalds chips I know, but they were amazing! I wasn't very hungry so just fancied that but I'm very glad I did!

Then in the evening after the match we went to the Beefeater next door to our hotel. I had the pulled pork burger which again was the best thing ever tasted! Shame about the coleslaw. And then for pudding I had the Raspberry cheesecake, which was alright but I didn't 'woo' about it. And then for Sunday breakfast was a god awful Tesco breakfast which I didn't photograph, it wasn't worth it at all.

So if you do go to Liverpool I highly suggest you visit Byron!
(All photo's taken on my Iphone).

Blog Soon, Lucy xx

Wednesday 3 June 2015

Aunty Bun.

This is a bit of a different post to my usual ones. And could possibly be the hardest things to write, to find the right words. A few days ago my Auntie was taken away, she had a stroke. She had cancer and had beaten it. Every year I had done Race For Life she was on my back. She was in her 80's but she was a healthy, happy lady. Funny stories. She even read 50 Shades Of Grey! Go Aunty Bun! Ha! When I went to visit her at her house she always had a box of chocolate bars and this cool looking retro coffee maker. I love the way she decorated her house, it was cute and vintage. The picture above is her garden it's just so cute.
Aunty Bun passing away made me realise life really is too short. It's not until someone close to you passes away that you realise it, because you don't know when your time is up.
'Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Fall in love, regret nothing, and don't let people bring you down'. 
Blog soon, Lucy xx

Sunday 31 May 2015

End Of May Bank Holiday Weekend.

So at the end of May bank holiday weekend me, my sister, mum & dad went up to Wales to visit my Grandad & his wife where they live in Pembrokeshire. I took some snaps of places & as always I want to share them with you, and a video of our time there will be on my YouTube very soon! But in the mean time you can watch my holiday video -

One of the shops in Narbeth is my favourite it's called 'The golden sheaf gallery' it sells anything from what you see above, candles, paintings from locals, brands, it's just so lovely & I always go in there everytime we go.
On the Sunday we went to a food festival called 'really wild' at St David's. Here is my sister Beth getting a henna (which has still stayed). We both also enjoyed a yummy pizza for only £5 which was gone in 5 seconds. Yum.
It was a lovely few days away spending it with my family :)

Blog soon, Lucy xx

Monday 4 May 2015

Cute Cafe.

So today I went with my family to a cafe in Portsmouth called The Tenth Hole -
I've never been before only my parents have and I was quite excited to try it out. It does have savoury foods but it is a cafe mainly for cake! I had banoffee and a hot chocolate which did look really cool. If you're a sweet tooth person this place is definitely for you!

It's such a cute place I fell in love with how everything is set out and decorated. They had hanging teapots as lights - cute! It also has high tea's which start from 2pm which I want to try out (even though I don't like tea). I took some pictures and thought I would show you.
Blog soon, Lucy xx

Tuesday 28 April 2015

April Glossybox

So when I got back from holiday this months glossybox was in my room & as always I was very excited!

Astral original face & body moisturiser. It's £3.89 for 200ml from Boots.
Lord & Berry lipstick crayon in 'Kiss'. £10 search in google for website and in Selfridges. (I've already used this it's lovely)!
POP Beauty kajal eyeliner pen. £6.50 shop at
Colour Club 'barely there' nail polish. £4.10 shop at
Nougat London soothing bath pearls. £6 for 35ml shop at
I can't wait to use all these products! :)
Blog soon, Lucy xx

Sunny Holiday

April 13th I went away with my best friend without my parents for the first time. We spent a week in Lanzarote. We went in the second week of half term which as you can imagine, lots of kids! But at the time when we booked this holiday in March we wanted to get away asap and this time was the cheapest and when we could go away with work. We stayed in an inclusive hotel called El Trebol.

We had a spar (supermarket) right outside our hotel which came in handy when food had stopped or we missed breakfast. There was a few shops, a sea life centre and bars nearby. We were just a 10 minute walk from the beach and a mini shopping centre. We enjoyed a cocktail bar there called Number One and a frozen yoghurt place called Yogur near the beach.

One day of our holiday we went to a zoo called Rancho Texas We had a really good day there minus me limping all day because my sandals cut my toe (it really did hurt). Our entry each was only 20 euros and had a coach take us from a local bus stop near our hotel to the zoo and back.

We did go to a market in the evening on Wednesday but there wasn't many stalls about, the main market day was on a Sunday & that was the day we were leaving!

I had a really good holiday (still on holiday blues) and I can't wait for the next one!

Blog soon, Lucy xx

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Baking blueberry muffins

So today I was in a baking kinda mood, I went to my local supermarket & picked up a box of Betty Crocker muffin mix! I've never tried blueberry muffins before and they were so yummy! Here is how it was done.

So this is what came in the box. The mixture, blueberries & cases (and to point out they came like that in the box so at the end my muffins didn't look nice and round)!
So all you needed was 110ml of milk, 40ml vegtable oil, 1 medium free range egg, and regular size muffin tray. So first mix all of the above in a mixing bowl and then drain the blueberries with cold water and put into the mix.
And then spoon the mixture into the cases. I had a lot of mixture so I wish I had extra muffins cases, but if you're like me it means you can eat it and have the scrapes in the bowl. Mmmm.
Then bake in the centre of the oven for 18-20 minutes until the sponge is springy to touch. Wait for them to cool down & enjoy!
As you can see they aren't round thanks to the wonkey cases! Even though presentation is good, it doesn't matter because you're going to eat them anyway, and they were bloody lovely!

Blog soon, Lucy xx

Sunday 22 March 2015

March's glossybox

Hello readers! So this week my monthly glossybox arrived and I thought I'd share it with you.

So in this month's box came ncLA nail varnish (as above) in pink. Essence mascara, which I will use for work as it just isn't as good as my Benefit mascara! Sleek pout paint, which on the box says to put it on lightly for a gloss effect or thicker for a lipstick look. Quite excited to use this as I know a lot of people say Sleek is good. The next product is Naobay moisturizing peeling. And then Dove youthful shampoo & conditioner which I don't think will be much use to me as it's for ageing hair. I cannot wait for next months!
Blog soon. Lucy xx

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Underbite Jaw Surgery

September the 16th 2014 the day of my operation. Woke up bright & early felt really weird like it wasn't happening because I had been waiting for this happen & it finally was. Got down to the hospital got into an attractive gown, un comfortable sock things & my slippers.. really not a good look. Saw the surgeons, doctors, my dad arrived to see me off, finally it was time & I suddenly got really scared. I was most scared about being put to sleep & I didn't know why I just was. I said goodbye to my dad & my mum sat with me for a while before I went it, I had to stop myself from crying. The nurses took me to the room the operation was being held in, had so many machines & wires, but had lovely things painted over the walls. They led me down, put these odd wires on me which to me looked like flying saucers! Asked me where I worked, & then I must've passed out because I don't remember from there haha.

When I woke up from my operation I felt really weak and fragile, I was throwing up blood that had ran down into my tummy from the op, though I don't remember much of that as I wasn't really all that there. But I know that everyone said I didn't come out of the recovery room till the evening & the surgery lasted 7 hours.

The next day I felt so stiff, the surgeons came round in the morning to ask how the pain level was & I was complaining about the pain in my neck. My neck had gone into spazum on the table and on the left side it really hurt, for weeks I couldn't hold my head up properly because of that pain. But other than that I had no pain in my mouth because I was so num I couldn't feel a thing!

I was only supposed to be in Hospital for a couple of days & was in from Tuesday to Saturday. It was horrible I didn't think I was going to get out! I had 6 weeks recovery at home, off work, bored out of my mind by the 3rd week, daytime TV is poo! And being out of a routine at work wasn't fun.

It's been 4 months now coming up for 5 on the 16th of this month. I'm still paralysed on the left of my face which I didn't mention was the side I had the complication on where the jaw didn't break correctly so that could be why it's healing slowly. But what's most annoying is not being able to feel half of your bottom lip! It will (touch wood) come back in time I just have to be patient, which I'm not.

I do not regret it at all. I have my braces off now, straight teeth, I got my smile. I'm happy. If you are going through or are going to go through this I hope this helps.

Blog soon! Lucy xx

Sunday 25 January 2015

Where does the time go?

Where does the time go? At the moment I feel like I haven't got enough hours in the day to do something. I didn't used to be this busy! I had an underbite jaw operation in September last year so had a huge amount of time wasted to recover in. I recently have just finished an apprenticeship and now onto a part time role so I have more time even though it doesn't feel like it.

I have a Youtube channel if I didn't already mention it, and since my operation I had to take a break from it but now I'm going to start up with it again & of course blog more than I do.

I already have things planned for this year like little events and things that are going on. Friends birthdays, weddings, turning 21 at the end of this year - yikes! And I also hope to reach my goal/dream whatever you want to call it, still working on it so can't say what it is yet. But you've gotta have a goal right? Otherwise you have nothing to work towards.

But this was just to say to my viewers and readers where I've been. I haven't been lazy I've been generally busy!

Blog soon,

Lucy. xx
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