Wednesday 3 June 2015

Aunty Bun.

This is a bit of a different post to my usual ones. And could possibly be the hardest things to write, to find the right words. A few days ago my Auntie was taken away, she had a stroke. She had cancer and had beaten it. Every year I had done Race For Life she was on my back. She was in her 80's but she was a healthy, happy lady. Funny stories. She even read 50 Shades Of Grey! Go Aunty Bun! Ha! When I went to visit her at her house she always had a box of chocolate bars and this cool looking retro coffee maker. I love the way she decorated her house, it was cute and vintage. The picture above is her garden it's just so cute.
Aunty Bun passing away made me realise life really is too short. It's not until someone close to you passes away that you realise it, because you don't know when your time is up.
'Life is too short to worry about stupid things. Have fun. Fall in love, regret nothing, and don't let people bring you down'. 
Blog soon, Lucy xx

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