Wednesday 6 January 2016

25 Random Facts About Me!

  1. My middle name is Ann
  2. I used to be naturally blonde
  3. I love painting my nails red more than any other colour
  4. I used to do Jazz, Tap, Ballet and Modern
  5. I love taking photo's & looking through them
  6. I like Banana flavoured things but I hate eating Banana's
  7. I wish I had bigger boobs
  8. I have had 2 poems published in a book
  9. I like writing stories - mainly aimed at children
  10. I once wanted to own my own cafe in Wales
  11. I have scoliosis
  12. I used to be a massive fan of Michael Jackson
  13. I don't really like rides
  14. White wine goes straight to my head
  15. I wish I wasn't so scared about doing things
  16. I hate tea
  17. When I was 12 I wanted to the the model in the Next catalog
  18. I really want a lilac Fiat 500
  19. I used to love cooking at the summer clubs at school (kinda wish I still loved it)
  20. I wiggle my feet when I'm enjoying food
  21. I can watch Friends over & over and it won't get boring
  22. I want to travel the whloe of the USA
  23. I love pastel coloured things
  24. I'm not a fan of horror films
  25. I want 2 Guinea pigs as pets when I move out
Well there's 25 facts about me - it's actually harder than you think to think of things!
Blog soon, Lucy xx

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