Thursday 12 May 2016

Flip flops & Sandy toes

On the 8th of May it was a beautiful day in England, which is shocking considering all we have is rain! Me and my best friend, Fran went on a road trip to West Wittering's beach in Chichester. I had never been before but I knew many people who had & said it's lovely. It should've taken us 30-45 mins to get there but as it was a sunny day everyone had the same idea as us & it took us 2 hours to get there! We were sat still in traffic for ages, chocca blocka! A truck drove past with a sign saying 'sorry beach car park full, sorry for the delay'.. great. This car park is a field can I add, it's massive!

We suddenly saw cars upfront off roading their cars on the side of the road on a bit of grass so we did the same and asked other people if it was ok to park here. It was then about a 20 min walk from the car to the beach. When we were walking into the beach's entrance, there were still cars sat still and the car park was full. So many people. We got lunch first we were so hungry. There is a cafe on site but we decided to get food from a food hut next to the cafe. They sold fish & chips, burgers, we both got chicken nuggets & chips which was £6.00 & a bottled drink for £2.00, which for me personally is a bit expensive for food! But it was yummy.

Then down to the beach! Ahh the feeling of sand between your toes and the smell of BBQ's. We put our towels down, chilled, people watched, took photo's, it was really nice. I did walk to the sea and dipped my toes in, no more than that the water was cold! Afterwards we then got an ice lolly & headed back home.

If you are thinking of going to this beach, I suggest you leave very early in the morning to avoid traffic and maybe take a picnic. I know me & Fran will be doing that next time! I have left some photo's below.

Blog soon,
Lucy xx

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