Tuesday 24 March 2015

Baking blueberry muffins

So today I was in a baking kinda mood, I went to my local supermarket & picked up a box of Betty Crocker muffin mix! I've never tried blueberry muffins before and they were so yummy! Here is how it was done.

So this is what came in the box. The mixture, blueberries & cases (and to point out they came like that in the box so at the end my muffins didn't look nice and round)!
So all you needed was 110ml of milk, 40ml vegtable oil, 1 medium free range egg, and regular size muffin tray. So first mix all of the above in a mixing bowl and then drain the blueberries with cold water and put into the mix.
And then spoon the mixture into the cases. I had a lot of mixture so I wish I had extra muffins cases, but if you're like me it means you can eat it and have the scrapes in the bowl. Mmmm.
Then bake in the centre of the oven for 18-20 minutes until the sponge is springy to touch. Wait for them to cool down & enjoy!
As you can see they aren't round thanks to the wonkey cases! Even though presentation is good, it doesn't matter because you're going to eat them anyway, and they were bloody lovely!

Blog soon, Lucy xx

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