Wednesday 4 November 2015


Frances. Who is Frances? What is this blog post about? This is about my best friend, Frances.
*Inserts picture below*

I am a soppy person at times so if you don't like these sorts of posts or don't want to hear about her click off now! Me & Fran have now been bestie's for 9 years. How I have put up with her and she's put up with me I don't know. We have a load of memories and more to come. She is my rock.

How did me & Fran become friends you ask? It's a bit of a weird story. It was year 7 at school in English, I was sat on a table with her and a boy, she had joked about my pencil case which was Little Miss Naughty from the Mr Men and asked if she could borrow something like a rubber. And it went on from there, I took her to my house and said to my mum 'this is my best friend' from about a few days of knowing her.

I was very shy at school and a bit of a geek, I didn't like to get into trouble. I was an easy target at school and got bullied. It wasn't easy between me & Fran at the start of our friendship as people would call her names for being friends with me, and if that happened to most people they wouldn't want to be friends with me but Fran stuck by me all the way and I couldn't thank her enough. There were so many days I would've gone home crying or feeling miserable but when we were friends she made me laugh and not mind school. (Ok that was I lie I hated school but you get what I mean).

We were still bestie's when we left school, we went to the same college (not planned, just luck). And when we both moved onto working, first boyfriend's did get in the way but it's your first and for a while you're in the 'honeymoon' stage and swept off your feet because it's all new. But we're still going strong.

So to end this post, because I really could go on explaining loads of memories but you won't find it funny! This is a message to you Fran..

Thank you for being my rock. I feel like I've lost an arm not speaking to you for a few days or even seeing you. Thank you for always being there for me when I was down. Thank you for accepting me. Thank you for laughing with me (or at me). Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for always sticking with me at school. Thank you for the memories and the thousand photo's. Thank you.

Blog soon,
Lucy. xxx

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