Thursday 1 October 2015

First Festival

So last month me & my friend went to our first festival. I saw lots of posters everywhere in Portsmouth for Bestival and googled the line up & thought it looked amazing. It was from the 10th to the 13th of September. It was £195 ticket, I know right.. woah. Then the added cost for them to send you the ticket. Like why? It should be free postage! Then getting your essentials that you need for the whloe trip. I had no idea what to take, I looked up for some blog posts but there were hardly any so I asked my cousin as he had been to a festival before.

So we went into town together and got the useful things like a bumbag, deordrant, dry shampoo, baby wipes. And did our food and alcohol shop. If I went to a festival again I don't think I'd go for as long, I think 4 days was too long for me, I was a little bit homesick by Saturday. And I'd also take less alcohol. You were only allowed your drinks in the campsite which sucked as the drinks in the bars were not cheap.

So lets tell you all a bit about our time away! Day 1 Thursday - I had work in the morning so we catched the ferry from Portsmouth in the afternoon. When we got there we got the shuttle bus to the site and tried to find a spot to pitch our tent, had some food and got an early night. We thought we had chosen a good spot as we were right by the loo's & near the stage site entry. By day 2 we realised it wasn't a good idea as it would've been more quieter further away.

Day 2 Friday - was the day we went and explored where everything was and checking our Bestival app to see who was on.

Day 3 Saturday - this day was my day as it was the day all the artists were on that I wanted to see. I'm not sure if it was Saturday but the Chuckle brothers were amazing. Just FYI.

Day 4 Sunday - this was my friend's day and the day we were heading home. After seeing Missy Elliot in the evening we headed back to camp to take down the tent & head back. It was pouring it down with rain! When getting to Ryde Pier to catch the ferry back we were drenched & had to wait until 1:15am back to Portsmouth. Even though I didn't get home till gone 3am I was indeed very happy to see my own bed instead of the floor.

One thing I have not missed since Bestival is the smell of weed and using the toilets. I was prepared for bad which it wasn't too bad. But it wasn't nice at the same time. We had the eco loo's near our campsite which is basically a wooden block with a loo seat on it and underneath is a bin, it all gets made into compost. It just smelt like a farm than poo. But I'm not going to explain that!

I would go to a festival again but maybe not for as long, in a group or maybe just with someone that enjoys the same music as you.

But a few tips, I don't think you'd need much money. I took £150 and came home with £70. Take cereal bars or something for breakfast/a snack. Dry shampoo was useful. Baby wipes because you're not washing for a few days,and a bumbag came in so handy! I also didn't wear wellies I just wore an old pair of Vans.

If you have any questions leave them below! I'll post a few photo's here too.
Blog soon, Lucy xx


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