Wednesday 29 July 2015


Hello readers, long time no see! I know I suck at blogging, but I only blog when I have something to blog about which is now! Anyways, how've you been? I have just recently got back home from going away with my family to Cornwall. Yep back to reality, work, and typical English weather. Though saying that, there was only 1 sunny day in Cornwall.

So we were away from Wednesday to Sunday, we stayed in a Premier Inn in Saint Austell. It was an ok area it just wasn't near many places to eat which turnt out to be a nightmare! Next to the hotel is a restaurant called Table Table. Which by the way, do not go to. When we arrived on Wednesday it was the evening, we had a long journey due to traffic and were very hungry and tired so we wanted somewhere close and to chill. It was so busy! We got our drinks and then asked a lady if we could book a table. The lady was actaully quite rude to my mum, she stated there was a 45 minute wait for a table as they had a party of 12 coming in, so my mum asked to be put down on the list to wait, and the girl just kept repeating herself & not listening to my mum. My dad also overheard there was a 45 minute wait for food!

So we're chilling by the bar, about an hour wait & nobody's come to tell us if there's a table free. My mum asks someone at the bar to which this man says that there's loads of tables free! So quite miffed. The food was indeed a 45 minute wait, and when the food arrived it wasn't even worth the wait! Never again.

Other than that it was a good holiday. As usual I took some photo's to share with you. I will leave links to where we went below!

Blog soon :) Lucy xx
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