Tuesday 10 February 2015

Underbite Jaw Surgery

September the 16th 2014 the day of my operation. Woke up bright & early felt really weird like it wasn't happening because I had been waiting for this happen & it finally was. Got down to the hospital got into an attractive gown, un comfortable sock things & my slippers.. really not a good look. Saw the surgeons, doctors, my dad arrived to see me off, finally it was time & I suddenly got really scared. I was most scared about being put to sleep & I didn't know why I just was. I said goodbye to my dad & my mum sat with me for a while before I went it, I had to stop myself from crying. The nurses took me to the room the operation was being held in, had so many machines & wires, but had lovely things painted over the walls. They led me down, put these odd wires on me which to me looked like flying saucers! Asked me where I worked, & then I must've passed out because I don't remember from there haha.

When I woke up from my operation I felt really weak and fragile, I was throwing up blood that had ran down into my tummy from the op, though I don't remember much of that as I wasn't really all that there. But I know that everyone said I didn't come out of the recovery room till the evening & the surgery lasted 7 hours.

The next day I felt so stiff, the surgeons came round in the morning to ask how the pain level was & I was complaining about the pain in my neck. My neck had gone into spazum on the table and on the left side it really hurt, for weeks I couldn't hold my head up properly because of that pain. But other than that I had no pain in my mouth because I was so num I couldn't feel a thing!

I was only supposed to be in Hospital for a couple of days & was in from Tuesday to Saturday. It was horrible I didn't think I was going to get out! I had 6 weeks recovery at home, off work, bored out of my mind by the 3rd week, daytime TV is poo! And being out of a routine at work wasn't fun.

It's been 4 months now coming up for 5 on the 16th of this month. I'm still paralysed on the left of my face which I didn't mention was the side I had the complication on where the jaw didn't break correctly so that could be why it's healing slowly. But what's most annoying is not being able to feel half of your bottom lip! It will (touch wood) come back in time I just have to be patient, which I'm not.

I do not regret it at all. I have my braces off now, straight teeth, I got my smile. I'm happy. If you are going through or are going to go through this I hope this helps.

Blog soon! Lucy xx
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