Sunday 25 January 2015

Where does the time go?

Where does the time go? At the moment I feel like I haven't got enough hours in the day to do something. I didn't used to be this busy! I had an underbite jaw operation in September last year so had a huge amount of time wasted to recover in. I recently have just finished an apprenticeship and now onto a part time role so I have more time even though it doesn't feel like it.

I have a Youtube channel if I didn't already mention it, and since my operation I had to take a break from it but now I'm going to start up with it again & of course blog more than I do.

I already have things planned for this year like little events and things that are going on. Friends birthdays, weddings, turning 21 at the end of this year - yikes! And I also hope to reach my goal/dream whatever you want to call it, still working on it so can't say what it is yet. But you've gotta have a goal right? Otherwise you have nothing to work towards.

But this was just to say to my viewers and readers where I've been. I haven't been lazy I've been generally busy!

Blog soon,

Lucy. xx
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