Thursday 18 December 2014


So on Monday the 15th of December I turnt 20. Boo! There's nothing exciting about turning 20 is there? Other than that I had a good day, on the weekend I went out with my chums and on the day I chilled & went out for lunch & dinner. *pictures below*!

My lovely lace mint dress is from Missguided I brought it in the sale & I believe you can get it still but in nude. I wore the Tanya Burr 'Bambi' lashes which I love! I went to my local pub to have lunch and then to Tgi's in the evening.
Blog soon! Lucy xx

Monday 8 December 2014

Winter Wonderland

On Saturday the 6th of December me, my mum, dad & sister with some other families went to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park in London. I've never been before but seen pictures and some videos on YouTube. It was amazeballs! (Yeah that's a word). But my god it was flipping freezing!! If you're thinking of going I advise you to wear thermal clothes if not about 3 pairs of socks, boots & layers! By the time we were leaving my feet had gone numb and I couldn't walk.

Also if you do go be aware you're paying London prices. I was shocked it was about £6.00 for a burger! And it's £1.00 per token for any rides. I took many photo's & wanted to share them with you.

Post soon! Lucy xo
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